Made in India: Industrial Policy in a Changing World, co-author Gaurav Nayyar, Journal of Industry Competition and Trade, 24:13, May 2024. Abstract
Economic and Social Policies for Human Development, co-author Rajeev Malhotra, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, November 2023. Abstract
Industrialization in Developing Asia since 1970: Why Technology, Learning and Innovation Matter, Innovation and Development, Volume 11, Issue 2-3, 2021, pp,365-385. Abstract
The Coronavirus Pandemic: India in Global Perspective, co-author Ramesh Thakur, The Asia Pacific Journal, Volume 19, Number 3, January 2021, pp.1-23. Abstract
BRICS and Emerging Markets in the World Economy in P. Anand, S.Fennell and F. Comim eds. Handbook on BRICS and Emerging Economies, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2020. Abstract
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